at addresses
provided. |
2007: $250.00
to a rescue assisting 7 Old English Sheepdog-mix pups.
The family is loosing their home
and these pups would head to the pound if homes couldn't be
found. The pups are said to be very well socialized and well
cared for within the families means. There were just too
many dogs.
Funds were placed on account
with a low cost spay/neuter vet to help cover some of the
costs of altering these dogs. Judi, who's handling the
placements, is doing rescue right by making sure they're all
spayed/neutered prior to placement including the Old English
Sheepdog dad and mix mother.

These three girls were EXTREMELY fortunate that
the Joplin
Humane Society took them into their care. The
shelter said, "We're shaving them down now... they won't be
pretty when we're done but they'll be more comfortable."
They later
said the girls are skinny and that one has an upper respiratory
infection with "green gunk" coming from her nose... she's
been put on the antibiotic Cephalexin. |
2007: $300.00
to an Old English Sheepdog Rescue to assist 3 sheepie-girls in a
Missouri Shelter.
These three girls were picked up
as strays. It is thought that the owner might have
originally contacted OES rescues and that a rescue was
supposed to assist. Something along the way DIDN'T happen
and these girls ended up in trouble. Since it was said they
were strays, it appears someone simply abandoned them.
At some point, many of us bring pets into our lives for our
own personal enjoyment... but with that joy comes
responsibility. If you have a sheepie (or ANY pet)
that you simply can no longer keep, please be responsible
and compassionate. Rehome the pet yourself (see
below), place him/her with an Old English Sheepdog rescue or
try to find a no-kill shelter to help. Rescues and shelters
should understand that lives can turn upside-down overnight
and it can suddenly become necessary to rehome our pets. It
is sometimes beyond anyone's control.
Just abandoning a dog is
cruel... they're confused and don't know where they're
going or how to find their family again. What will they eat or drink? Strangers can be
cruel to them, they can be hit by a car and left to suffer
an agonizing death alongside the road. Unaltered
females could be made to endure a sad life of reproducing
litter after litter of pups until she's deemed useless by
uncaring breeders. As sad as this is to say, euthanasia is a
much more compassionate end than being left all alone to
These three girls will be spayed
and put up for adoption through
Old English Sheepdog Rescue Network of the South East
Rehoming Your Dog Yourself:
If you choose to rehome your pet yourself, you might
consider visiting the websites of Old English Sheepdog
rescues. Look for the applications they use as to
screen potential adopters. They often include things
you might not consider but are very important... like a fenced yard,
whether they have children and their ages or if there are seniors in the
home. If they've ever had a pet hit by a car, vet
references, the families knowledge about grooming
requirements or whether they
can afford to pay to have it done, etc. It's so VERY
important the that new family and the dog be a good match
for each others lifestyle and requirements or the dog could
end up like the 3 girls above. If you don't think you
can rehome your sheepie yourself, please contact an OES
rescue that has experience in finding the right homes for
these beautiful creatures. |
at address
provided. |
August 2007: $50.00
to be applied
toward a $3,200 surgery for a sheepie-boy pup.
Scruffy, the special little
sheepie that had entered hospice to die and was later
adopted just had surgery to remove an abscess from his
lung. The choices-
- Keep him on antibiotics
knowing that they would gradually become ineffective against
the upper respiratory infections he would continue to get.
- Have a serious surgery performed to remove the abscess in
his lung.
He had his surgery done last
week... it was funded by
New England Old English
Sheepdog Rescue and the generous donations of
individuals. He is now home recuperating and is doing
fine so far. The little sheepie that coughed and was
short of breath now has a good chance to live a more normal,
active life. You can read about PJ, formerly known as
Scruffy, at the following addresses-
Before PJ was adopted:
PJ Updates:
The Rabies
Challenge |
July 2007:
$100.00 to the Rabies Challenge Fund... an important rabies
vaccination study.
Many have probably heard of the
BIG changes that have taken place in dog vaccination
protocol for core and non-core vaccinations over the past
few years. But current law still requires rabies
vaccinations be given every 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the
state we live in. The question is, how long do these rabies
vaccinations actually provide protection? The
Rabies Challenge Fund is a new study soon to get
underway that will help our pets be the healthiest possible
while still protecting owners and the public from
this serious disease. To read about this important study,
please visit the following address-
"...Dr. W. Jean Dodds of Hemopet
and Co-Trustee of The Rabies Challenge Fund and Dr.
Ronald Schultz of the University of Wisconsin School of
Veterinary Medicine -- have volunteered their time to ensure
that critical 5 and 7 year rabies challenge studies are
conducted in the United States..."
"...According to Dr. Dodds,
“This is one of the most
important projects in veterinary medicine. It will benefit
all dogs by providing evidence that protection from rabies
vaccination lasts at least 5 years, thereby avoiding
unnecessary revaccination with its attendant risk of
debilitating adverse reactions. "..."
Visit this address to learn more about this important study:
To make a personal or business donation to help support this
important study, please visit this address:
If you would like to learn
more about the changes that have already been made in
vaccination recommendations, please visit the address below- |